

  • Improves sleeping patterns

  • Relieves stress 

  • Normalizes blood pressure and glucose levels

  • Increases athletic performance

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Aids with symptoms of depression and anxiety

  • Relieves pain, headaches, migraines and spine issues

  •  Relieves joint inflammation

  • Increases the body's ability to detoxify of toxins and heavy metals

  • Aids in magnesium absorption for bone health



· Ease stress and improves sleep and concentration
· Help muscles and nerves function properly
· Reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps
· Improve oxygen use


· Flush toxins
· Improve absorption of nutrients
· Help form joint proteins, brain tissue 

and mucin proteins
· Help prevent or ease migraine headaches

Each tank is filled with 10"- 12" of water and 1,200 pounds of Epsom salts at body temperature, approximately 96° (skin temperature).

Start your float with a shower, as you enter the tank low light will fade away, choose to have the music on or off while you float.

When your float is over the lights will dim on, shower and head over to our beauty counter where you'll find blow dryers, curling irons, brushes, hair and body products.

After, please join us in our lounge area, share your experience, journal, draw or color and have a cup of tea with us.

Who should not float 

  • Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Any individual with a communicable or infectious skin condition, disorder, or disease.

  • An individual with open sores.

  • Anyone who recently has dyed their hair with highly pigmented colors that bleed or received Keratin treatments (in the last 1 1/2 week)

  • Anyone who is diabetic and not under medical control

  • Any individual with incontinence and/or voluntarily or involuntarily release of bodily fluids of any kind.

  • Anyone with history of heart trouble, epilepsy, seizures or blackouts and have not received doctor’s permission to use the flotation tank.

  • Anyone with a condition that may be adversely affected by the cutaneous absorption of magnesium.

  • Anyone with kidney disease.